K. Male'
28 Oct 2022 | Fri 17:10
The family had requested to see the body near the Galolhu Mortuary, on Thursday
The family had requested to see the body near the Galolhu Mortuary, on Thursday
Abdulla Rasheed's death
Pres. instructs to conduct just probe into Abdulla Rasheed’s death
Commissioner of Police Mohamed Hameed has also assured that the police institution will provide full support and cooperation for the probe
The family has also refuted the statement issued by the authority in connection with Abdulla’s death
Spokesperson at the President’s Office, Miuvaan Mohamed revealed that the president is closely monitoring the case

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has instructed to conduct a just and unbiased probe into the death of Abdulla Rasheed , who died as police were trying to detain him, following a drug raid.

The president held discussions with the Minister of Home Affairs Sheikh Imran Abdulla regarding the matter.

Spokesperson at the President’s Office, Miuvaan Mohamed revealed that the president is closely monitoring the case.

Abdulla Rasheed, 43 was arrested in a counter-drug operation from a café near the harbor of Hoandedhdhoo island in Gaaf Dhaal atoll on October 25.

Maldives Police Service (MPS) earlier revealed the decision to conduct an autopsy on Abdulla’s body to determine the cause of his death.

The authority revealed that the suspect’s family had consented to the decision. However, speaking to RaajjeMV, the family has since revealed that they are against the decision.

Abdulla’s body has since been taken to the Galolhu Cemetery Mortuary, where the family gathered on Thursday to see the body. However, the police had refused to let the family see Abdulla’s body.

The family has also refuted the statement issued by the authority in connection with Abdulla’s death, asserting that MPS needs to take full responsibility for Abdulla’s death and take action against the officers who were found negligent in the case.

RaajjeMV understands that the police institution has decided to carry forth with their decision to send the body for postmortem examinations, against the family’s will.

At a time the police officers who arrested Abdulla have been pinned with several accusations by the family, Minister of Home Affairs Sheikh Imran Abdulla took to Twitter on Tuesday, revealing that the case is being probed under professional standards. The minister revealed that other relevant authorities have also been instructed to pay close attention to the case.

Minister Imran assured that the authority will not back down from taking adequate action if they find any misconduct on the police institution’s part.

Commissioner of Police Mohamed Hameed has also assured that the police institution will provide full support and cooperation for the probe.

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