K. Male'
28 Sep 2021 | Tue 21:27
Former MD of WAMCO, Mohamed Shifau
Former MD of WAMCO, Mohamed Shifau
WAMCO's ex-MD Shifau
ACC seeks charges against ex-MD of WAMCO, at PG Office
He is accused of misusing his official position
Charges were forwarded to the PG Office on Tuesday
The charges come under Section 513(b) of the Maldives Penal Code

The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) has forwarded charges against the former managing director of Waste Management Corporation (WAMCO), Mohamed Shifau, to the Prosecutor General’s Office.

The charges are being sought in connection to the case of the company contracting to develop a Customer Relationship Management System or a “Veshifaara” software in violation of the company’s procurement policies.

The anti-corruption watchdog revealed that they had completed their investigation into the case of WAMCO’s ex-MD contracting a developer to develop the software without making an announcement prior. ACC findings indicate that the task was contracted for MVR one million.

Charges were forwarded to the PG Office on Tuesday.

Shifau is being charged for misuse of official authority, under Section 513(b) of the Maldives Penal Code, which states that a person commits an offense if they misuse government authority to obtain a benefit.

ACC said that the contract was made without an open tender process and under an “emergency” agreement, which saw Noni Solutions Private Limited contracted to develop the Customer Relationship Management System otherwise known as “Veshifaara Software”

Findings further indicate that Shifau had a close relationship with the owner of Noni Solutions. With this being said, it was noted that all the transactions linked to the contract were carried out under Shifau’s management.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Imad Latheef
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