MPs claim that voting system had been rigged with and that absent MPs, such as MP Mahloof, had voted in favor of the roll call motion.
#Majlis now
— ᗰᴏʜᴀᴍᴇᴅ ᗩᴍᴇᴇᴛʜ (@MohamedAmeeth) March 27, 2017
MPs calim that voting system had been rigged with and that absent MPs, such as MP Mahloof, had voted in favor of the roll call motion.
#Majlis now
— ᗰᴏʜᴀᴍᴇᴅ ᗩᴍᴇᴇᴛʜ (@MohamedAmeeth) March 27, 2017
Clauses 164 and 165 states that roll call votes can only be taken if and when the electronic voting system has an error and MPs raise objections over it. Otherwise vote must be taken using the electronic voting system.
In spite of these Clauses, the Parliament Deputy Speaker has passed to take the vote by using the roll call method. 45 MPs had voted in favor of using this method, while the rest had risen up in protest.
Voting on the no confidence motion has begun.
Shortly after Deputy Speaker Moosa Manik called on all Parliamentarians to convene, a protest had broken out on Parliament floor.
MDP Parliamentary Group Leader objects to the roll call vote. Saying in contravention of Majlis Rules.
— Eva Abdulla (@evattey) March 27, 2017
President Nasheed's tweet reads as follows: "President Yameen is now sure that he has failed in the vote, as they have retreated, claiming system errors,"
Vote aigen kuriyah vadaigannavan nukeri,system massala eh kamah vidhalhuve fahathah jehivadaigannavani,RYaameen ah balivaanekan yaqeen vumun
— Mohamed Nasheed (@MohamedNasheed) March 27, 2017
Culprits will be brought down to kneels. Joint PG #HappeningNow
— Rukuma (@RukumaA) March 27, 2017
A meeting of the joint Parliamentary Groups of the Parties whose MPs that had proposed the no confidence motion on Parliament Speaker is now underway in Parliament. Maduvvaaree Constituency MP Mohamed Ameeth, a member of PPM Parliamentary Group, is also in attendance.
MP Ahmed Nihan's tweet reads as follows: "Opposition is now devastated after they had failed in their attempt to "hack" the Parliament's Electronic voting system".
Majlis ge Electronic Voting System "Hack Kohggen" gannan ulhunu Gandu Fail veema #Coalition Beygaraar Vehjje!
— Ahmed Nihan (@ahmed_nihan) March 27, 2017
Majlis rules require electronic voting unless there is an EVIDENT defect in the system. Therefore no roll call vote can be taken today.
— Maumoon Abdul Gayoom (@maumoonagayoom) March 27, 2017
Govt tampered with the Majlis voting system & are pushing for a roll call vote. Majlis SG must fix system; ensure vote proceeds as per rules
— Mohamed Nasheed (@MohamedNasheed) March 27, 2017
Hassan Siraj, of Baa Atoll Council, was arrested outside of MDP offices, while he was wearing a t-shirt calling out against the proposed sale of Faafu Atoll.
Eye witnesses report just prior to arrest, a Member of Parliament was passing by the office and had made a gesture towards the people gathered there. The crowd had expressed their general discontent. Then Police went ahead arrested Siraj, the eyewitness reported.
Galolhu-North MP Eva Abdulla tweets out why the opposition is saying "no to Maseeh".
Parliament sealed off, prevented public access. Gov asks for a roll call; direct contravention of Standing Orders. Exactly why #No2Maseeh
— Eva Abdulla (@evattey) March 27, 2017
Former President Nasheed called on President Yameen to "stop this heavy handedness", as the media, NGOs and public was prevented from entering parliament gallery today.
In a deliberate attempt to obfuscate, media, NGOs, public prevented from entering Parliament's gallery. PY must stop this heavy handedness.
— Mohamed Nasheed (@MohamedNasheed) March 27, 2017
From today's proceedings we can see that the Parliament is not proceeding according to rules. MP Moosa filling as Speaker is not exempt. Parliament is supposed to champion the rights of citizens. We cannot question the Ministers, make the Govenrment accountable. All this happens in the Parliament. I do not believe what the Speaker says. Whatever he's saying is to maintain his position. Today, the public must be allowed to witness the proceedings. They cannot be sent off like that.
MDP Parliamentary Group Leader Ibrahim Mohamed Solih (Ibu) says the session is progressing illegally. He said they were now deliberating on whether to participate in the vote.
He had questioned the voting system in the Parliament, adding that his computer system was not functioning. He added that there were specific voting methods in the Constitution.
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kanthahthakeh islaahu kurumah, miadhu kurevemun midhaa masakkathaamedhu ufaakuran.
— Anara Naeem (@AnaraNaeem) March 27, 2017
MP Anara Naeem's tweet reads as follows: "delighted with the opportunity today to remedy the issues"