State of emergency was declared unlawfully. Cannot hold parliament sittings like this. The law does not allow this. Have received reports that the government is working to get 43 MPs for this evening, and even tomorrow. - MDP PG leader Ibrahim Mohamed Solih
The Joint Opposition held a PG meeting at the MDP Offices
Gulhifaivaa Siyaasee Partythakuge Parliamentary Group bahdhaluvumeh MDP Secretariat Conference Hall ga kuriah dhanee
— MDP Secretariat (@MDPSecretariat) February 19, 2018
MP Ahmed Nihan tweeted that a parliamentary group meeting of the PPM-MDA coalition was being held at the Committee Room 1.
PG meeting of PPMMDA at Committee Room 1. #HappeningNow
— Ahmed Nihan (@ahmed_nihan) February 19, 2018
Today's extraordinary sitting of the parliament has ended. 39 MPs was in attendance, with opposition boycotting sitting. Resolution seeking to extend state of emergency by 15 days has been forwarded to the Committee on National Security.
Galolhu South consituency MP Ahmed Mahloof has tweeted that the Joint Opposition has decided to boycott today's unlawful sitting.
"According to Article 87 of the Constitution, 43 members must be present to take a vote on this. [President] Yameen was only able to get 39. As this is an unlawful sitting, the Joint Opposition has decided to boycott the sitting," reads Mahloof's tweet.
#StateOfEmergency akee rayyithun eyge machah amalukuranjehey kameh kamun, Majlis inn mikamah vote ah ahaairu QA ge 87 (Shaviyani) ga vaagothugemathin 43 Membarun haaziruve thibenjehey.Yameen ah hamavee 39.Joint Opposition inn ghairugaanoonee Jalsaa eh veema boycott kuran nimmaifi
— Ahmed Mahloof (@AhmedMahloof) February 19, 2018
Article 87(b),Constitution:voting on any matter requiring compliance by citizens shall only be undertaken when more than 1/2 of total membership of Majlis are present at the sitting.
— Abdulla Shahid ? (@abdulla_shahid) February 19, 2018
Only 39 MPs present at the sitting to endorse the SoE. Constitution requires 43. #MaldivesCrisis
All roads leading to the parliament building has been blocked by security officers.
Reporters, and camera crew, covering sitting have been pushed back far from the parliament premises
Supreme Court on Sunday issued an injunction suspending the implementation of points one and four of the Supreme Court Order issued on 1 February 2018. This injunction suspends the enforcement of its own verdict on the validity of the parliamentary seats of 12 opposition parliamentarian.
Up until Sunday's ruling, the opposition had majority in parliament.
The 15-day state of emergency declared by President Abdulla Yameen, will end on Tuesday.
Article 257 (a) of the Constitution states that “the declaration of a state of emergency shall be submitted to the People’s Majlis within forty-eight hours. If the People’s Majlis is not in session at the time of the declaration, it shall be re-called within fourteen days, inclusive of holidays, and the declaration of a state of emergency submitted to the People’s Majlis for approval”.