K. Male'
08 May 2017 | Mon 22:53
Abdul Aleem, Secretary General PPM's Maumoon faction
Abdul Aleem, Secretary General PPM's Maumoon faction
PPM in crisis
Part of Aleem’s fine rejected by Court
Most of fine paid in coins, changed to paper on orders
Court said it will take time to count all coins
Ordered to pay fine before 3pm Monday

The fine paid by Abdul Aleem, Secretary General of the faction of Progressive Party of the Maldives (PPM) loyal to President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, has been rejected by the Court.

Aleem was fined by Civil Court by MVR 85,000, having been found guilty of contempt of the Court, after Court ordered all powers of PPM must be handed over to the Party advisor, President Abdulla Yameen. As such, the prosecution said that the split faction had formed a separate Council, Ethics Committee and conducted activities – all which were banned under the Civil Court verdict.

Aleem arrived in Court, at noon on Monday to pay the fine. However, Court had refused to accept around MVR 3,000 out of the total MVR 85,000, on the grounds that it was in coins. Court said that it would take an exorbitant amount of time to count all those coins. As such, Aleem was given until 3pm to pay the amount.

Aleem said that he had to bring in the coins, as it was donations to his fund box.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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