K. Male'
01 May 2017 | Mon 19:11
From the search carried out on the suspect's home
From the search carried out on the suspect's home
Yameen Rasheed's Murder
Police makes arrest in Yameen Rasheed's murder
Police had not revealed the name of the arrested individual
RaajjeMV understands the arrested person is Mohamed Dhifran
Police escorted the suspect to his home, which officers had proceeded to search

An individual has been arrested in connection to the murder of  writer and pro-democracy activist Yameen Rasheed.

Police is yet to confirm the arrest.

RaajjeMV understands from a credible source that the arrested individual is Mohamed Dhifran, native to Gaddhoo island of Gaafu Dhaalu atoll.

Dhifran's family reported to RaajjeMV that he had not been seen since pre-dawn prayers on Monday. The family member also reported that police officers had arrived at the residence along with Dhifran and checked his residence, which they had searched and confiscated items in relation to the murder. Dhifran’s home is located near the Bisburu Area in Maafannu ward in capital Malé.

The house is located near Yameen’s residence, Spatula.

The court order authorized searching Dhifran's home in relation to the police investigation into the murder.

While deputy commissioner of police, Abdulla Nawaz said on the 25th of April that they had identified those responsible for the brutal murder, they had not released the names of the suspects - though they had released screencaptures from a CCTV camera inside Yameen's home where the face of one can be clearly seen. 


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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