K. Male'
20 Apr 2017 | Thu 04:02
Ahmed sofwan
Ahmed sofwan
Crackdown on political figures
Passport of Maumoon’s PA canceled, request for a search with Interpol
Searched in connection to a case being investigated by Economic Crime Department
Police say passport was canceled
Details not published on Interpol website

Maldives Police Service (MPS) has cancelled the passport of Ahmed Sofwan, Personal Assistant to former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom and requested for Interpol assistance in detaining him.

Sofwan is also a council member of PPM.

Police first announced a search for Sofwan on the 10th of this month, in connection to a case under investigation by the Economic Crime Department.

Police on Wednesday said that Sofwan’s passport has been cancelled by the Immigration. They also said that they had appealed to Interpol for assistance.

In spite of their statement, Sofwan’s details had not been published on Interpol website.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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