K. Male'
17 Apr 2017 | Mon 13:02
Maumoon Abdul Gayoom (R) at a conference at PPM's offices
Maumoon Abdul Gayoom (R) at a conference at PPM's offices
Maumoon Abdul Gayoom
Must stop harassment through state institutions: Ex-President Gayoom
Former President Gayoom said state institutions have been used to harass innocent civilians and lawmakers
He said this following a police search into Qasim Ibrahim's home on Sunday
Transparency Maldives previously said state institutions have been curtailing the rights of the general people

Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom has called on the government to end its ‘harassment’ of opposing parliamentarians and members of the general public through state institutions. 

“I call for an end to the intimidation and harassment of opposing parliamentarians and innocent civilians through state institutions” he said in a tweet on Sunday.

Gayoom’s tweet came in response to the police’s search on Qasim Ibrahim’s home and his Jumhooree Party’s primary assembly site. 

Qasim Ibrahim’s arrest prompted a statement from Transparency Maldives which expressed similar reroval, which stated that state institutions have been working actively to ‘curtail the fundamental rights’ of parties in opposition of the government.  

Transparency’s statement further says that the measures placed on Qasim ‘disturbingly’ coincide with falling out with the government despite the Maldives Inland Revenue Authority’s (MIRA) refutation last week of allegations that it has been biased in its conduct against opposition leaders, after it freezed accounts belonging to the Villa Group – founded and operated by Jumhooree Party leader.  

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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