K. Male'
15 Apr 2017 | Sat 23:15
Foreign Minister Asim at the UN General Assembly, 2016.
Foreign Minister Asim at the UN General Assembly, 2016.
Maldives looks for support in UN security council bid
The nation announced its decision to run for the seat at the UN General Assembly in September, 2016
The seat will be appointed in June next year
Maldives would need 129 seats to acquire the seat

Maldives has begun efforts to garner support for its bid to acquire the non-permanent seat for Asia-Pacific region at the United Nations’ Security Council for 2019.

The nation announced its decision to run for the seat at the UN General Assembly in September, 2016.

The seat will be appointed in June next year.

Maldives will be contending with Indonesia, which has already garnered considerable support. The Indonesia government revealed that it has been promised allegiance from 22 countries in Asia, 33 from Africa, 16 from Latin America, 12 from Eastern Europe, and ten from Northern Europe.

Japan, which currently holds the seat, is also supporting Indonesia, according to its government.

Maldives would need 129 seats to acquire the seat.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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