K. Male'
15 Apr 2017 | Sat 12:10
Ahmed Musthageem was let-go on Thursday
Ahmed Musthageem was let-go on Thursday
'Opposition Intimidation'
Opposition supporter sacked from state employment
Musthageem was abruptly let-go on Thursday
A senior staff had said he was being fired on the grounds of not reporting to work
Musthageem denied this, and insisted that it was because of his public support for the opposition

Ahmed Musthageem, a transport official with the State Trading Organization and a staunch supporter of the opposition ‘reform efforts’, has been fired.

“I got a call from office on midnight on Wednesday and they told me to stay home, they called again the next day and asked me to come accept a letter, I went and found out I was being terminated – they did not say why” Musthageem told RaajjeMV.

However, he did say that a senior member of the staff had told him that he was terminated on the grounds of ‘not reporting to work’.

Musthageem denied this saying that documents at the office would show he had consistent attendance and that he had never been issued any disciplinary or warning letters.

He expressed his intention to file the case with the employment tribunal and seek remedies.

“They fired me because I support the opposition and I talk about it – I will not stop” he added.

A comment from STO could not be attained as their media official had not answered calls at the time of publishing. 

A number of civil employees have revealed that they are being 'forced' into signing with the ruling party. 

READ MORE: State employees coerced into signing with ruling party

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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