K. Male'
13 Apr 2017 | Thu 21:55
Ameen Faisal in a previous hearing at the Criminal Court
Ameen Faisal in a previous hearing at the Criminal Court
Crackdown on opposition
Ameen Faisal hearings cancelled
Terror charges first filed on October 20th
Third hearing on terror charges
Ex-President Nasheed charged on terrorism

Thursday’s hearing against former Defense Minister, Ameen Faisal, over the terrorism charges against him for having ordered President Abdulla Yameen’s detention in 2010, was cancelled.

The hearing was scheduled for 2pm Thursday.

No reason had been given for the cancellation.

The last hearings of the case were scheduled for March 26th. It was also cancelled, on the account of the health status of the presiding Judge.

Prosecutors charged Faisal under Article 2, clause b, of the Prevention of Terrorism Act – for kidnapping and taking a hostage. The case was filed in October, 2016, and all of Faisal’s travel documents have been ceased.

Terror charges were also raised against former President Mohamed Nasheed in connection to this case. the charges were filed on February 27th, with the first hearings set for March 29th. However, the hearing was cancelled as the Court could not hand over the chit to the former President. A hearing has been scheduled for the 26th of this month.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Abdulla Naseer Ibrahim
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