K. Male'
07 Apr 2017 | Fri 18:06
The police said his death was reported to them at 9:09 on Friday morning
The police said his death was reported to them at 9:09 on Friday morning
Kulhudhuffushi Island
18-yo in Kulhudhuffushi commits suicide
An eighteen-year-old man native to Kulhufushi island of Haa Dhaal atoll has committed suicide

An eighteen-year-old man native to Kulhufushi island of Haa Dhaal atoll has committed suicide, Friday morning. 

An official from the Maldives Police Service said that his death was reported at 9:09 am, and that he had hanged himself. 

Officers are investigating the circumstances of his death. 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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