K. Male'
07 Apr 2017 | Fri 14:40
Qasim Ibrahim while being summoned to the police for questioning on Sunday, 2nd  April 2017
Qasim Ibrahim while being summoned to the police for questioning on Sunday, 2nd April 2017
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Jumhooree Party
Qasim Ibrahim denies all charges against him
Jumhooree Party leader Qasim Ibrahim has denied the charges of bribery and intimidation against him
Police arrested him for attempting to bribe parliamentarians in order to influence the vote of no-confidence in the opposition’s favour and on other charges
The arrest was made hours after the Prosecutor General’s office rejected the police’s case deeming it inappropriate for the criminal justice system

Jumhooree Party leader Qasim Ibrahim has denied the charges of bribery and intimidation against him, for which he was arrested on Thursday night.

Hisaan Hussein, a member of his legal team spoke to RaajjeMV from Dhoonidhoo island, where the opposition parliamentarian is being detained, said that he has denied all of them in full.

Qasim Ibrahim was arrested for attempting to bribe parliamentarians in order to influence the vote of no-confidence in the opposition’s favour, and further trying to influence the conduct of other public officials and even law enforcement forces and further trying to sway public trust against the government, thus presenting a threat to public safety – the police’s arrest warrant claimed.

The arrest was made hours after the Prosecutor General’s office rejected the police’s case deeming it inappropriate for the criminal justice system and advocating that it be overseen by the Anti-Corruption Commission instead.

Qasim Ibrahim has been given the chance to meet five members of his legal team on Friday. Although, his lawyer Hisaan further said that this was not for the police to decide.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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