K. Male'
02 Apr 2017 | Sun 22:14
Jumhooree Party (JP) Leader and Maamigili Constituency MP Qasim Ibrahim
Jumhooree Party (JP) Leader and Maamigili Constituency MP Qasim Ibrahim
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Qasim Ibrahim
JP Leader Qasim presented to Police
No reason given for summons
Previously summoned over bribery claims
Qasim denies claims of bribery

Jumhooree Party (JP) Leader and Maamigili Constituency MP Qasim Ibrahim presented himself to Maldives Police Service (MPS).

He presented himself to the Police at 4pm on Sunday. This is his second time he had answered summons issued by Police. The previous time, he was summoned over bribery claims.  

Speaking in a press conference held by the coalition parties, Qasim said he had only said that he will support all candidates during their re-election bid, adding that this was not a bribe and that this offer was for MPs from his Party.

Police had not revealed why Qasim was summoned.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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