K. Male'
01 Apr 2017 | Sat 15:57
MP Abdulla Shahid in parliament
MP Abdulla Shahid in parliament
Gayoom-Yameen Dispute
President Yameen took office 'on Gayoom's back': MP Shahid
President Abdulla Yameen ascended to office essentially on Gayoom's 'back', Shahid said
He advocated that party leaders must be respected
Gayoom has guaranteed that he would take legal action against authorities, describing them as ‘vandals' for a raid on his office on Friday

President Abdulla Yameen ascended to office essentially ‘on the back’ of former president and half-brother, Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, MP Abdulla Shahid has said.

At a campaign rally in Kulhudhuffushi island of Haa Dhaalu atoll, MP Shahid responded to Friday’s police crackdown on the divided Progressive Party of Maldives’ (PPM) faction loyal to President Maumoon Abdul Gayooom, where officers had broken into the premises and removed the party flag and name at its entrance.

Shahid said that Yameen owed his entire political career to Maumoon, who ruled the country for thirty consecutive years and had endorsed his younger brother in the 2013 presidential elections.

“President Yameen was only able to take office on Maumoon’s back, continuously using him for support, now that he is in office, he has cast his own mentor aside” Shahid said at the rally.

Gayoom has since guaranteed that he would take legal action against authorities, describing them as ‘vandals’.

“We have always acted democratically with the leaders of our parties – even with Mohamed Nasheed or anyone else, we recognize and respect them” Shahid continued.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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