K. Male'
01 Apr 2017 | Sat 13:00
Villingili constituency MP Saud Hussein
Villingili constituency MP Saud Hussein
People Megazine
Former Presidents
Maldivians need to respect former leaders: MP Saud
Maldives needs to develop a culture of respecting incumbent and former presidents, MP Saud said
He said the if they are not ‘respected today, they will not be respected tomorrow’. 
Saud's faction's deputy leader MP Abdul Raheem Abdulla has called to propose that allowances and benefits conferred to former presidents be slashed

Maldives needs to develop a culture of respecting incumbent and former presidents; MP Saud Hussein has said. 

MP Saud, aligned with the divided ruling Progressive Party of Maldives’ faction loyal to President Abdulla Yameen, said in a tweet on Friday night that that if said leaders are not ‘respected today, they will not be respected tomorrow’

“We are not going to respect former presidents any more tomorrow if we do not do it today, they are the greatest boons of our country, please respect” the tweet said. 

His tweet had been attached with photographs of former presidents Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, Mohamed Nasheed, and Mohamed Waheed Hassan Manik. 

While Saud’s tweet advocates so, his faction’s deputy leader MP Abdul Raheem Abdulla has called to propose that allowances and benefits conferred to former presidents be slashed. 

Such a proposal is yet to enter parliament. 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Rushdha Rasheed
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