K. Male'
30 Mar 2017 | Thu 20:25
MP Ahmed Mahloof
MP Ahmed Mahloof
Mohamed Sharuhaan
MP Ahmed Mahloof
Human Rights Commission to probe Mahloof's solitary confinement
HRCM has on Thursday revealed that its decision to probe jailed-MP Ahmed Mahloof’s transfer to solitary confinement
His wife, Nazra Nazeem, filed a case over the matter with the HRCM on Wednesday
He is currently serving the second of two consecutive sentences and will be released in June

The Human Rights Commission of the Maldives (HRCM) has on Thursday revealed that its decision to probe jailed-MP Ahmed Mahloof’s transfer to solitary confinement. 

Correctional services moved Mahloof, cut off rights to family visits, and phone privileges on the grounds that he made statements that ‘threaten national security’. 

His wife, Nazra Nazeem, filed a case over the matter with the HRCM on Wednesday. She had set down, alongside MP Imthiyaz Fahmy representing her, with the HRCM on Thursday to discuss the matter.

The commission revealed its decision to investigate the case at a press conference following this meeting. 

“We will look into the case, and if we find that there has been any violation of procedure or any conduct detrimental to the rights of the prisoner, we wyyill definitely address it” ShifagMufeed, a member on the panel of speakers at the conference said.

While the Maldives Correctional Services has also confirmed that his privileges had been slashed, its media official insisted that Mahloof has not been placed in solitary confinement. 

Mahloof was sentenced to two consecutive sentences amount to 10 months and 24 days on obstruction of police justice.  He has already served the first six-month prison. His family insists otherwise. 

He is currently serving the second part of sentence and will be released in June. However, MP Mahloof’s family has also raised concern that the appeal process to overturn his sentence is yet to be follow through.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Rushdha Rasheed
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