K. Male'
29 Mar 2017 | Wed 14:38
Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom
Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom
Speaker vote illegal
President Maumoon thanks MPs working for reform
Speaker vote illegal
Maumoon appeals to stay committed to initiative

Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom has thanked the MPs spearheading the motion to oust Parliament Speaker Abdullah Maseeh and helped initiate 'broad reforms' in the country.

A statement released by the Maumoon faction thanked the Members for their initiative “to protect Islam, Constitution of this nation and its laws, bring in rule of law into Parliament proceedings and reform for the many issues that face the nation”.

The statement specifically noted MPs Qasim Ibrahim, Mohamed Waheed Ibrahim, Ibrahim Mohamed Solih, Faris Maumoon, and Anara Naeem.

In the statement, President Maumoon said that Monday’s vote was taken against the laws in the Constitution, Parliament proceedings, with the removal of MPs from the Parliament floor by the use of Security Forces. He said this was a sign that the Government was hesitant to take a free and fair vote and hesitant of the outcome. He said this vote was unacceptable both nationally and by the international community.

In conclusion, President Maumoon called on all Members to remain steadfast in the initiative.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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