K. Male'
26 Mar 2017 | Sun 20:20
Parliament Speaker Abdullah Maseeh: Parliament will vote on Speaker's fate on Monday
Parliament Speaker Abdullah Maseeh: Parliament will vote on Speaker's fate on Monday
Maseeh's No-Confidence
Maseeh’s no confidence vote: session to begin at 9am Monday
Maseeh granted 30 minutes to respond to charges
MPs granted 90 minutes to debate on issue
Vote will be taken at 1330 hrs

The no confidence motion on Parliament Speaker Abdullah Maseeh has been scheduled for Monday’s Parliament session.

The publicized agenda for Monday’s session shows that the no confidence motion is the only item for the day.

The Parliament’s General Affairs Committee had passed to grant 30 minutes for Maseeh to respond to the charges. Maseeh will receive 10 minutes at the start of the session, followed by debate on the motion. This will be followed by another 10 minutes granted to Maseeh to respond to the debate. He will be granted an additional 10 minutes after the MPs had deliberated for 90 minutes.

Monday’s session will begin at 0900 hrs Monday, with voting scheduled for 1330 hrs the same day.

The opposition had claimed that the vote on Maseeh will be passed successfully, with the ruling coalition claiming the opposite.


READ MORE: PPM PG to “camp out” in resort ahead of vote!

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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