K. Male'
26 Mar 2017 | Sun 16:37
Parliament Majority Leader and PPM PG Leader Ahmed Nihan Hussain Manik: cases submitted against Nihan, Ilham on ethics violations
Parliament Majority Leader and PPM PG Leader Ahmed Nihan Hussain Manik: cases submitted against Nihan, Ilham on ethics violations
PPM Maumoon faction
Case on Nihan, Ilham submitted to Maumoon faction’s ethics committee
Case submitted to Maumoon faction’s ethics committee
Two cases against MPs Nihan, Ilham
Video submitted as evidence in both cases

Ethics violation cases have been filed against Parliament Majority Leader and PPM PG Leader Ahmed Nihan Hussain Manik and MP for Dhangethi Constituency Ilham Mohamed.

The cases were submitted to Ethics Committee of Maumoon faction of PPM on the 23rd of March.

The faction had not confirmed the cases, but Raajje.mv have gained the copies of the cases submitted.

Two issues were noted in particular for Nihan’s case. One point noted that Nihan had failed to hold discussions with PPM Council and President, when major changes were brought to the Constitution. The other issue noted that Nihan had confessed to being party to the deal to sell off lands in the Maldives, as proved in the leaked audios.

The leaked audio and a letter sent by Party President to PG Leader had been submitted as evidence.


READ MORE: Full transcript of MP Nihan's leaked audio clip

Ilham’s case was submitted stating that he had threated MPs, warning them they will be in “hot water” if they voted in favor of the Speaker motion. President Yameen was present in the ceremony when he made the warning. The video of this ceremony had been submitted as evidence.


READ MORE: Case where MP Ilham threatened MPs submitted to police

The ethics committee was formed on October 20, 2016 after PPM split into two factions, between Presidents Yameen and Maumoon.

Maumoon faction’s Council determined that the original Ethics Committee had violated Party laws and passed decisions without the full quorum in addition to violating administrative rules. Maumoon faction then said that Committee Chair was biased, given that he held a GOvenrment position and feared losing his position. The President had the power to suspend the Committee and form a new Ethics Committee comprised of five members.

In spite of the suspension, PPM’s Yameen faction still views the suspended Committee as the legitimate one.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
- comment
7 years ago
it should read as Case on Nihan and Ilham. FYI : "Case on Nihan, Ilham submitted...." sounded for me that Ilham submitted the case against Nihan.