K. Male'
26 Mar 2017 | Sun 15:18
Parents and a student outside Aminiya School: schools report low attendance after H1N1 outbreak
Parents and a student outside Aminiya School: schools report low attendance after H1N1 outbreak
Mohamed Sharuhaan
H1N1 outbreak in Maldives
Schools open after H1N1 alert, attendance low!
Schools open after H1N1 alert

Schools have opened up after on Sunday after closing due to the outbreak of H1N1 in the Maldives.

Teachers have reported to Raajje.mv that in spite of the opening only a limited number of students attended session. Only 30 students attended Jamaluddin School session.

Only four students attended some classes in Aminiya school, with the numbers hitting a high of seven or 12 in other classes. On average, 30 students are in each class in Aminiya School; in one session around 700 students will attend school daily.

Attendances were low for Dharumavantha, Hiriya and private run Billabong International High School, as well as other schools.

Education Ministry was unreachable for a comment.

The level three alert announced for the nation on March 13th, has not yet been lifted. So far, four have succumbed to the virus.

A committee report issued by Health Ministry’s technical team, recommending that schools should not be opened, has circulated on social media. The Government had not denied or commented on the report.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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