K. Male'
24 Mar 2017 | Fri 21:43
From JP's meeting
From JP's meeting
No confidence motion on Speake
Have to show public that PPM MPs are populists: Qasim
Will call to review Nasheed, Nazim, Imran cases

Jumhooree Party (JP) Leader Qasim Ibrahim has sent out a strong message to the Parliamentary Group Members of ruling Progressive Party of the Maldives (PPM), stating that PPM MPs have to demonstrate to the public that they are populists.

Speaking in Thursday night’s rally held in JP headquarters, Qasim said MPs were representatives of and elected by his or her constituents. However, he said those MPs had willingly given up their mandate and pledges, to become Government stooges. Qasim added that those MPs serve as numbers on the Parliament, incapable of real work, and is labelled as such.

It is widely believed that he made the statements towards MPs who had defected to ruling PPM after they were elected on the electoral ticket of one Party.

Qasim said that this was the time to give up that view, adding that we have to place faith that God will settle our affairs.

Referring to the Elaa case, now submitted to Supreme Court, Qasim said that if the case was reviewed justly then he would not have anything to pay to the state.

He added that public mocked the judicial justice system, which can only remedied by establishing justice. As such, he said the verdicts delivered on Colonel Nazim, former President Nasheed and Sheikh Imran were products of an unjust system, which had contributed to the root cause of injustice in the country. He called on to review the cases again.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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