K. Male'
24 Mar 2017 | Fri 18:44
MPs supporting the motion, outside the parliament grounds on 8th March.
MPs supporting the motion, outside the parliament grounds on 8th March.
No confidence motion on Speake
Maseeh given 30 minutes to respond to motion
No confidence motion scheduled for Monday
Vote of 42 MPs required to pass motion

Parliament's General Committe has scheduled the proceedings for the no-confidence motion vote scheduled for the 27th of this month.

The Committee had passed on Thursday night to give one and half hours for debate on the motion and 30 minutes for Speaker Abdullah Maseeh to respond to motion.

MDP PG Leader Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has assured the motion, put forward by PPM, MDP, AP and JP, will be passed successfully. PPM’s Yameen faction had stated the motion will be defeated. MP Ahmed Faris Maumoon had claimed they had the vote of the 42 MPs, required to pass the vote.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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