K. Male'
19 Mar 2017 | Sun 22:12
Criminal Court
Criminal Court
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Attack on media freedom
Criminal Court issues warning to media over “terror positive coverage”
Court says some media try to incite public hatred
Warns of action against anyone who attacks national unity

Criminal Court issues strong warning against media, warning of legal action, if they carry on with their reportage of certain events, in an angle which the Court says “encourages terrorism”.

A statement released in Dhivehi Language, on Sunday, Criminal Court said that some media sources had an agenda of defaming the Government, senior Government officials and state institutions. The statement went on to add that these medias have attempted to destroy public confidence in the Government and institutions.

It said that journalists had attempted to negate the hard work carried out by Government, Government officials and well-wishers, in a bid to create chaos, sow seeds of discontent in public and loss of faith in Government and state institutions.

The statement noted that some of the work carried out by journalists were written in a manner that encouraged terrorism. As such, the statement called on those media and journalists to cease such reportage and become more accountable.

Criminal Court had warned of legal action, if such parties persisted in those forms of reportage.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Raajjemv
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