K. Male'
19 Mar 2017 | Sun 18:56
Member of Parliament for Hithadhoo South Constituency MP Ali Nizar
Member of Parliament for Hithadhoo South Constituency MP Ali Nizar
Local Council Elections 2017
Council Elections delayed as they have fears over Presidential elections: Nizar
President Yameen trying to stay in power by subverting Constitution

Member of Parliament for Hithadhoo South Constituency MP Ali Nizar states the Government was postponing the Local Council Elections as they had strong fears over the 2018 Presidential Elections.

Speaking at length over the delay in LCE in Saturday night’s edition of RaajjeTV’s “Fala Suruhee” program, Nizar said there were no candidates who were contesting on behalf of PPM. He said there was no reason to head to elections with no candidates.

Nizar said the candidates already with PPM were there because of financial backing offered by PPM. He added that the other reason was to demotivate the candidates backed by MUO.

“From what they’re doing right now, I do not believe that President Yameen can be elected again. President Yameen cannot win in an open, transparent, fair election. It’s that obvious now. I will not participate in politics if President Yameen wins,” Nizar said.

Nizar said that President Yameen’s policies do not ensure a win for the President, and due to this getting elected for a second term was a distant possibility. He added that President Yameen was seeking a different path to stay in power, possibly using measures banned under laws and Constitution.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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