K. Male'
18 Mar 2017 | Sat 18:03
The signed billboard petition calling for charges against RaajjeTV staff to be dropped.
The signed billboard petition calling for charges against RaajjeTV staff to be dropped.
Ashwa Faheem
Raajje Television
Police tear out RaajjeTV billboard petition
Police removed RaajjeTV’s billboard petition calling for charges against four of its staff to be dropped, on the grounds that it breaches public peace.
MPS said it had received complaints about the billboard.
The station was not informed of the removal, officers had torn the canvas from its frame and left the plywood on the street.

Police have removed Raajje Television’s billboard petition calling for the obstruction of justice charges against four of its staff to be withdrawn, on the grounds that it breaches public peace.

Witnesses claim having seen Special Operations (SO) officers removing the billboard, attached to the exterior of the station’s office. The police were unable to load the billboard, and so had torn the canvas from its wooden frame.

The Maldives Police Service’s (MPS) media official said that it had received ‘complaints’ over its display, and was removed because it ‘breached public peace and decency’ and that ‘messages it conveys are inappropriate’

The police were unable to load the billboard, and so had torn the canvas from its wooden frame.

The police had neglected to inform the station of the removal, which Raajje Television has since condemned and branded it an ‘ignoble’ act.

The billboard depicts photos of the four staff that were charged with obstruction of justice, an allegation that the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) has described to be a politicized move detrimental to freedom of press. Its signatories simply support that the charges are unfair and restrict the rights of the press. 

The staff depited on the billboard are journalists with the station, both of whom have been fined by MVR 28,500 for ‘obstruction of justice’ after they were arrested while covering a bomb scare in Malé City, along with their cameraman, who was fined by MVR 3,000.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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