K. Male'
16 Mar 2017 | Thu 19:48
MP Abdulla Riyaz in parliament
MP Abdulla Riyaz in parliament
H1N1 Outbreak
Lawmaker pursues accountability over outbreak
MP Abdulla Riyaz propoed to the parliament’s committee on government oversight that it ensures that the government is taking all the necessary measures to control the ongoing H1N1 outbreak
He expressed concern over state's comment on how it does not have enough vaccines to cater to the entire population, and called on the committee to ensure the safety of citizens.

Opposition MP Abdulla Riyaz has made a proposal to the parliament’s committee on government oversight to ensure that health facilities are taking all the necessary measures to control and tackle the ongoing H1N1 outbreak.

MP Riyaz, a member of the Jumhooree Party (JP) which defected from the ruling coalition, addressed a letter to the oversight committee’s chair, MP Riyaz Rasheed.

In the letter, Riyaz – also a former commissioner of police – expressed concern over the Health Protection Agency’s (HPA) statement on Monday which said that the state does not have enough vaccines to cater to the entire population, and called on his peers in parliament to ensure the safety of citizens.

Dr. Abdulla Niyaf, a member of the taskforce assembled to tackle the outbreak, said on Monday that nation’s vaccines reserves have been limited as well, and that authorities were discussing ways to acquire more with health facilities and the WHO (World Health Organization).

At Monday’s press conference – held jointly by IMGH, ADK Hospital, and the Health Protection Agency, it was declared that the first case of the outbreak was discovered in January, with the number of cases increasing rapidly throughout February and March.

Academic institutions, including grade schools, colleges, and universities, have been closed to deter spreading. Citizens have been advised to limit exposure, through gathering in crowded places, as well.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Rushdha Rasheed
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