K. Male'
15 Mar 2017 | Wed 12:24
Maldivian United Opposition (MUO) Shadow Cabinet Minister Shidhatha Shareef
Maldivian United Opposition (MUO) Shadow Cabinet Minister Shidhatha Shareef
Maseeh no confidence vote
Maseeh must be removed for the sake of the nation: Shidhatha
Maseeh consistently subverting law
Difference will be seen from the vote

Maldivian United Opposition (MUO) Shadow Cabinet Minister Shidhatha Shareef says that Parliament Speaker Abdullah Maseeh must be removed for the sake of nation. She said that with Maseeh’s removal, we can be assured of independence and integrity of independent institutions and the Parliament itself.

Speaking in Tuesday night’s edition of RaajjeTV’s “Fala Suruhee” program, Shidhatha said that if the no confidence vote was passed in the Parliament, then we will see significant changes to the political situation. She added that Members of Parliament must prioritize on public interests and vote in favor of the motion to impeach Maseeh.

If successful, Shidhatha said this will ensure independence of the judiciary, judicial justice system and a free and fair elections, even for the Local Council Elections.

“The Parliament Speaker’s no confidence vote is tied to many things. More than one at least. Independent institutions will become independent. Judiciary can become more independent. Additional things are linked to this vote as well,” Shidhatha said.

Shidhatha added that most Members do believe that Maseeh has been abusing the powers granted to him as the Speaker.

She further noted that MPs do not support the corruption and other crimes carried out by the Yameen administration. Stating that while the rumors of Government allied MPs not being able to vote independently were abound, she said this vote will be a different one.

A total of 26 MPs signed the motion that had proposed Maseeh’s impeachment, made up from MPs from MDP, PPM, JP and MDA. The motion is spearheaded by MP for Dhiggaru Constituency Ahmed Faris Maumoon, who assures that the vote will be carried out successfully and that Maseeh will be impeached.


Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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