K. Male'
10 Mar 2017 | Fri 19:09
Maafannu North Constituency MP Imthiyaz Fahmy
Maafannu North Constituency MP Imthiyaz Fahmy
Hussein Fiyaz
LCE campaign begins
Pres. Yameen should be ashamed to face citizens: MP Imthiyaz Fahmy
Imthiyaz delivered strong criticisms to Govt. policies

Maafannu North Constituency MP Imthiyaz Fahmy says that President Abdullah Yameen Abdul Gayoom should be ashamed to face the citizens, given his conduct over the past three years.

Speaking in the rally held in Addu City to launch the campaign for Local Council Elections, MP Imthiyaz said that in the past three years, President Yameen had failed to show strong leadership. As such, he highlighted that several Vice Presidents and Cabinet Members had been appointed and dismissed for their positions. Additionally, he said that President Yameen did not even have control of his own party.

MP Imthiyaz said that President Yameen had placed blame over the MMPRC scandal solely on former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb without even making an attempt to recover the embezzled funds. He said the President should feel ashamed to ride around Male’ in the BMW car gifted by Adeeb, allegedly bought from the embezzled funds.

Imthiyaz carried on with his criticism of the government, pointing out that the policies and decisions of the government lacked clarity.

“All political figures are locked up in jail. The Government had carried out the biggest atrocities possible in the nation,” MP Imthiyaz said.

He described this government as cruel, selling off the islands and enslaving the citizens. Imthiyaz said that it was vital that the public said no the government-backed candidates in the upcoming Local Council Elections.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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