K. Male'
10 Mar 2017 | Fri 15:28
Adhaalath party
Adhaalath party
AP on Speaker impeachment
Impeaching Maseeh is in national interest: AP
Maseeh hindering efforts to hold Govt. accountable

Adhaalath Party (AP) Advisory Committee says that removing Abdullah Maseeh from his position as Speaker of Parliament is the highest priority for national interest.

A statement issued by the Committee on Thursday stated that the Constitution and laws of the nation have been changed and subverted. The statement stated that in his role as Speaker of Parliament, Maseeh had facilitated this and prevented Members of Parliament from fulfilling their mandates to protect the rights of citizens and hold the government accountable.

Therefore, the statement said that removing Maseeh from his position was of the utmost importance for the nation.

The statement came after a no-confidence motion against the speaker was filed in parliament. The motion was spearheaded by MP for Dhiggaru Constituency Faris Maumoon. His father, former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, had also expressed his support for the no-confidence motion.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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