K. Male'
23 Jul 2019 | Tue 13:14
Supreme Court justices
Supreme Court justices
Presidents Office
Supreme Court
Justices to be given warning for obtaining ex-PSM Deputy MD’s court records
JSC stated that the justices have violated the Code of Judicial Conduct by failing to conduct their work impartially by focusing on a specific person
SC stated that the Supreme Court had ordered the Civil Court to hand over records related to a closed case, which was a violation of the constitutional rights of the plaintiff
JSC made the decision to warn Justices Ahmed Abdulla Didi, Abdulla Arif, and Adam Mohamed Abdulla on Monday

Judicial Service Commission (JSC) has decided to give a warning to three Supreme Court justices for obtaining loan documents of Mohamed Ikram, the former Deputy Managing Director of state media PSM.

JSC made the decision to warn Justices Ahmed Abdulla Didi, Abdulla Arif, and Adam Mohamed Abdulla on Monday.

In a press release, JSC stated that the Supreme Court had ordered the Civil Court to hand over records related to a closed case, which was a violation of the constitutional rights of the plaintiff. JSC did not reveal who the plaintiff was.

JSC stated that the justices have violated the Code of Judicial Conduct by failing to conduct their work impartially by focusing on a specific person.

JSC’s committee report stated that the Supreme Court’s release of a circular to obtain the Civil Court records was a violation of a citizen’s right to appeal, and results in the citizen being unable to seek justice through the courts.

Last updated at: 5 months ago
Reviewed by: Aman Haleem