K. Male'
03 Mar 2017 | Fri 21:08
An x-ray of the child's leg - shows a sharp split in the upper bone
An x-ray of the child's leg - shows a sharp split in the upper bone
Infant Injury
IGMH probes infant bone injury case
The infant had a broken bone in its leg - nurses had reportedly refused to respond to the parents' inquiry
The child is admitted to the IGMH's neonatal intensive care unit
The hospital's screening for any negligence, which it assured would be severely penalized

The Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH) is investigating a case where an infant delivered through caesarean section had a broken bone in its leg.

The child is currently admitted to the hospital’s neonatal intensive care unit.

The spouse of the infant’s mother, who spoke to RaajjeMV under the explicit condition that his identity be omitted, criticized the IGMH for not informing them of the injury as soon as it had occurred.

“Of course, I know that deliveries can become complicated and that it not entirely impossible or unlikely for something like this to happen, but we were told about this much later and that it negligent” he said.

He further said that he witnessed a nurse administering an injection into one leg but not the other, and when he questioned the nurse initially, she had refused to respond.

The hospital gave its assurance that any party found to have been negligent would be severely penalized.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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