K. Male'
03 Mar 2017 | Fri 17:59
Kulhudhuhfushi regional hospital
Kulhudhuhfushi regional hospital
Thalassemia testing
Kulhudhuffushi Hospital launches thalassemia testing
Testing will be done on all days except on Friday

Kulhudhuffushi Regional Hospital has launched thalassemia testing service.

An official with the Hospital says that testing will be carried out on all days except on Fridays from 0800 hrs to 1400 hrs.

Individuals will have to register for the free service and the Hospital will test 10 individuals daily.

The results of the test will be available within a week’s time.

Thalassemia is a hereditary disease and affects the hemoglobin present in blood. Testing for thalassemia prior to marriage is compulsory in the Maldives.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Dheli Copy
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