K. Male'
27 Feb 2017 | Mon 16:29
President Abdullah Yameen launching the runway project: the new runway project is expected to cost US$ 400 million
President Abdullah Yameen launching the runway project: the new runway project is expected to cost US$ 400 million
VIA New Runway
President inaugurates new runway project
New runway project costs MVR 400 million
Reclamation phase to end next month

President Abdullah Yameen Abdul Gayoom has inaugurated the new runway project for Velana International Airport (VIA).

The project was launched by the President in a ceremony held Monday morning. The runway project is expected to cost $ 400 million.

The new runway is funded by a loan from China’s Exim Bank and will be developed by Beijing Urban Construction Group (BUCG). The new runway measures 3,400 meters in length and 60 meters in width. Once completed, Airbus A380 planes will be able to land on the runway. Additionally, the airport will have a fuel farm, capable of storing 45 million liters, and storage areas that can store 120,000 tons of goods.

President Yameen, Cabinet Ministers, Members of Parliament and senior officials of Maldives Airports Company Limited (MACL) attended the opening ceremony.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Economic Minister Mohamed Saeed said that Velana International Airport will become one of the most beautiful airports globally. He said that President Yameen was the leader who ensured that the Airport was truly Maldivian.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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