K. Male'
27 Feb 2017 | Mon 13:45
Policy Committee Chair Amru --
Policy Committee Chair Amru --
Maldivian Democratic Party
Budget shows Govt. economic policy clearly: Amru
Economic policy based on taking loans
Tourism sector on the decline

Opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) Policy Committee Chair Hussain Amru has stated that the state’s budget clearly shows the status of the economy.

Speaking in Sunday night’s “Fala Suruhee” Amru said President Yameen’s economic policy is geared on taking loans. He said the current status of the economy right now is deeply concerning, especially with the Government hiking various taxes to pay off the debts.

Amru further said the economy was in better hands during the MDP administration, with then forecasts predicting a surplus budget by 2016 end.

“When you look at the documentation for MDP government you can see this. If the MDP Government was allowed to remain in power, we would not have to resort to taking loans for it. We do not have to beg from China. We could have done the project from our own funds,” Amru said.

Amru also challenged the Government’s claim that the tourism sector was thriving.

“We do not see the claimed developments. Tourism sector did develop in 2011 and 2012. I do believe that the sector is suffering from a lack of government policy,” Amru said.

In last night’s segment, Amru also spoke about the proposed sale of Faafu Atoll to the Saudi royal family. Amru said the developments entailed housing for one million individuals. He said that he did not see a reason why one million people had to live in one location.



Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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