K. Male'
30 Apr 2019 | Tue 18:48
Parliament chamber
Parliament chamber
19th Parliament
MP Siyam to preside over swearing-in ceremony of 19th Parliament
Siyam has served three terms and will be serving a fourth in the new parliament
The most senior parliamentarian is legally required to preside over the inaugural sitting of a new parliament

Meedhoo MP Ahmed Siyam will be presiding over the inaugural sitting of the 19th parliament.

The most senior parliamentarian is legally required to preside over the inaugural sitting of a new parliament.

Siyam has served three terms and will be serving a fourth in the new parliament. He has also been the most absent MP in the past few years.

The parliament administration and speaker are now preparing for the swearing-in ceremony, which will be held on May 28, 9:30pm, and the first sitting will be held later that night.

The Constitution’s Article 81 states that those elected will become a member of parliament after taking their oath before the Chief Justice or his designate.

Article 79(a) states that the parliament tenure will continue for five years from the date of its first sitting, which will be held immediately after the dissolution of the previous parliament. Article 92(a) states that a Speaker and a Deputy Speaker will be elected at the first sitting by secret ballot.

The parliamentary election saw main ruling Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) win supermajority with over 60 of the 87 seats.

Last updated at: 5 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali