K. Male'
12 Feb 2019 | Tue 12:22
The President\'s Office
The President's Office
Azmoon Ahmed
Whistleblower Portal
Maldives government launches 'whistleblower' portal
President Solih encouraged staff at state-run offices to be attentive towards possible corruption

The President’s Office has on Tuesday launched an online portal through which acts of corruption can be reported anonymously. 

The office expresses its belief that the portal will allow the government to become more aware of possible corruption in its office and tackle the issue.

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih himself has shared the portal, through a tweet.

At Tuesday’s event, President Solih encouraged staff at state-run offices to be attentive towards possible corruption. 

The government also says that recent efforts from the Anti-Corruption Commission, Auditor General’s Office, and Transparency Maldives has uncovered several cases of corruption. 

Ratifying a ‘Whistblower Act’ is one of the government’s pledges for it first 100 days in office. 

- comment
6 years ago
Dear Sir/Madam Could you please investigate the fraud of former home minister Umar Naseer during the 50th Independent day events Thanking you