K. Male'
11 Jan 2019 | Fri 15:59
Husnu Suood made the allegations at a press conference in December
Husnu Suood made the allegations at a press conference in December
Presidents Office
Judicial Reform
Husnu Suood vows to help JSC probe judicial corruption
JSC’s committee is tasked with obtaining the relevant information from Suood and investigative authorities, and publicizing details of their investigation
Suood commended JSC for opening the investigation

Husnu Suood, the head of the presidential commission on murders and disappearances, has vowed to help the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) in its investigation of alleged corruption in the Maldives judiciary.

JSC recently announced that it would be forming a committee to investigate the allegations made by Husnu Suood, that local gangs have considerable influence over judges.

In a tweet on Thursday night, Suood commended JSC for opening the investigation and said that judicial reform can only be possible by taking such action.

JSC’s committee is tasked with obtaining the relevant information from Suood and other investigative authorities, and publicizing details of their investigation in a timely manner.

Attorney General Ibrahim Riffath is the head of the committee. The names of the other members have not been disclosed.

While Suood has vowed to help JSC’s investigation, he earlier refused to disclose details of his allegations against judges to the Supreme Court.

Last updated at: 5 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees