K. Male'
09 Feb 2017 | Thu 14:48
Former Home Minister Umar Naseer
Former Home Minister Umar Naseer
Azmoon Ahmed
Maldives United Opposition
Umar Naseer meets United Opposition in London
Umar Naseer said he would run for president on a PPM ticket
The MOU consists of members from MDP, JP, AP, and former senior members of government
Naseer left to London on Sunday to meet members of the Maldives United Opposition (MUO)

Former Home Minister Umar Naseer has on Wednesday met with former Vice President Mohamed Jameel to discuss 2018 Presidential Elections.

Naseer left to London on Sunday to meet members of the Maldives United Opposition (MUO) - a joint effort by the Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP), Adhaalath Party (AP), members of the Jumhooree Party (JP), and former senior members of the current administration - to remove President Yamin Abdul Gayoom from office for his ‘corruption and disregard for human rights’.

Naseer, who had announced his aspirations to office after resigning from the cabinet, had not given any details of the discussion.

After having resigned from office, the former Minister began criticizing the Yameen administration, even saying that former President Mohamed Nasheed’s terrorism trial had proceeded under dubious conditions.

Although, he has since said that he would compete on the presidential ticket for the ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM).

Last updated at: 5 months ago
Reviewed by: Rushdha Rasheed