K. Male'
06 Feb 2017 | Mon 13:57
The infrastructure and number of buildings in the city has been advancing in Male' city. However, majority of locals are still limited to equal space for living
The infrastructure and number of buildings in the city has been advancing in Male' city. However, majority of locals are still limited to equal space for living
Housing crisis in Maldives
Maumoon faction calls for easy payment schemes for flats
Flats must be handed over as soon as possible
PPM pledge to resolve housing crisis
Easy payment schemes must be provided for citizens

 President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom’s PPM faction has called on the Government to arrange for easy and sustainable system to pay for flats secured under the Veshi Fahi Male’program.

The faction made the statement in a letter sent to Housing Minister Dr. Mohamed Muizz, signed by the faction’s Vice President Aminath Nadira. The letter stated that those who had been granted letters of ownership must be made eligible under this program.

The letter added that the Ministry had decreed that flats will be released to those owners with ownership letters and able to secure MVR 2 million. The faction noted that when the applicants initially applied for the flats and granted letters of ownership they were not informed of the huge sum of money that has to be paid up front. The letter further said not all of the applicants had the financial leverage or ability to take loans either.

Maumoon faction’s letter added that these issues have created more confusion and constraints for the public. reminding that PPM had pledged to address the housing issue, the letter called on the Government to re-structure the easy housing loan scheme introduced in 2007. The letter also called to introduce measures like housing subsidies and home structure loan schemes, all pledged by the Party during the elections.

Quoting the Party Leader President Maumoon, the letter called on the Government to make home ownership easier on the public by introducing easy access loan schemes and thereby expediting the process.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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