K. Male'
03 Feb 2017 | Fri 09:01
President nasheed meets public in lanka
President nasheed meets public in lanka
Nasheed on state corruption
Theft is not natural behavior, it’s a sign of cruelty: Ex- Pres Nasheed
Theft is a crime, stemming from cruelty
Theft is not part of human behavior
Public will call out against institutionalized theft

Former President Mohamed Nasheed has stated that theft and other similar crimes were not part of human nature, but rather acts stemming from cruelty and a desire to control.

He made the statement speaking to Maldivians living in Sri Lanka. Nasheed is currently in Sri Lanka after almost a year of self-exile in United Kingdom.

The former President made the statement in reference to the statement made by President Abdullah Yameen last January in the ceremony held to welcome new members into the ruling Progressive Party of the Maldives (PPM). In the President’s address, he said that corruption was intrinsic to human nature and therefore, present in the Maldivian society.

In response President Nasheed said leaders of the Government and State had effectively legalized and institutionalized theft, graft and corruption. He said such acts are not part of human nature and banned in Islam.

You have to be alert when the leaders of the nation engage in theft. Theft is not something that’s right. It’s illegal, theft is not right and it’s not something you do out of confusion. It’s not part of human nature. Theft stems from cruelty. It’s something you do from force, it’s difficult. Theft does not just happen, it takes time, energy, effort, planning and intent. I’ve not stolen. I’m a human too. I’m sure that none of you here are thieves. It’s an act carried out with the intention to do so. Natural human behavior happens instinctively, unlike theft,” he said.

The former President added that theft is carried out by a very small number of people, noting that not all Maldivians engaged in these types of actions.

Theft is carried out at a certain time, mostly at night. When you look at the theft, it will become very clear to you that that it’s an act perpetrated by a few. Not all Maldivians do this. It’s not part of our nature. Our citizens are the type of people who value a clean life, built and developed on our hard work and can proudly say that, not thieves,” he said.

Many Maldivians living in Sri Lanka had attended Nasheed’s session.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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