K. Male'
30 Jan 2017 | Mon 21:47
GA. Hithaadhoo island
GA. Hithaadhoo island
Status of protected islands
Tourists damage protected GA. Hithaadhoo island
Hithaadhoo is a nesting spot migratory birds
Coral reef damaged by anchors
Irreversible losses

A group of tourists has damaged the island of GA. Hithaadhoo, causing irreversible losses.

The island, located near GA. Kolamaafushi, is famed for local fauna and is a nesting spot for migratory birds.

It has been reported to Raajje mv that the tourists were part of a safari cruise, who had stopped on the island. Reports say the coral reef of the island had been damaged by anchors.

Embarking on protected islands without prior permits is banned. Additionally, using anchors and disrupting the natural flora of such islands are banned under the environmental protection act.

GA. Atoll Council President Hussain Adam said the Council was made aware of the situation when reported by Environment Protection Agency (EPA) Sunday afternoon. The case was filed to EPA by a private citizen.

Officials from the Atoll and Island Councils as well as Police had escorted the tourists from the island.

Hussain Adam said protected islands are under the Council mandate but that was merely on paper, adding that no party had sought permission from the Council prior to embarking on the island.

Environment Ministry’s Media Official confirmed that EPA was currently reviewing such as case. Official said usually issues like this arose due to negligence from the agents bringing in the safari cruises. He said the agents have to be more aware of the protected status of islands.

The official said while the agency can implement penalties, the damages to the islands were irreversible.

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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