K. Male'
10 Sep 2018 | Mon 05:46
Officials at a polling station
Officials at a polling station
2018 Presidential Election
Kandoodhoo official places ballot box in his house
This comes after it has been revealed that numerous ruling party activists have been hired as officials for the presidential elections
The official who took the ballot box failed to respond to RaajjeTV
Kandoodhoo council president said he has sent complaints to the relevant authorities

An official in Th. Kandoodhoo is keeping a ballot box inside his house, it has been revealed.

Kandoodhoo council president Ali Nasir told RaajjeMV that while ballot boxes were previously sent straight to the council office, this time the box has been sent to a person acting as a focal point of the elections commission.

He expressed disapproval of the decision and said that he has sent complaints to the relevant authorities.

The official who had taken the ballot box was Mohamed Abdulla, the assistant director of the Kandoodhoo council. While he had answered RaajjeMV’s phone call, he said that he was busy at an elections commission’s training programme. However, he has failed to reply to the multiple messages asking if he had taken the ballot box. He then ignored the subsequent calls.

Council president Nasir said assistant director Abdulla was a prominent ruling party activist and has been seen at President Abdulla Yameen’s campaign events.

After a querying the elections commission, member Ahmed Akram said they were looking into the issue.

This comes after it has been revealed that numerous ruling party activists have been hired as officials for the presidential elections.

According to the regulations, party members or people campaigning for a particular candidate cannot be chosen as officials on election day.

Last updated at: 5 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz