K. Male'
29 Jan 2017 | Sun 22:25
Adam Azim --
Adam Azim --
State vs. Nazim
Supreme Court had acted unjustly on Nazim: Azim
Nazim’s case submitted to UNWGAD in February last year
Supreme Court unjust on Nazim

Former Managing Director of State Trading Organization (STO) Adam Azim has said that while Supreme Court is supposed to be the defender of public rights the Court is silent on the various injustices being inflicted on the public.

Speaking on Saturday’s “Fala Suruhee” program Azim, brother of former Defense Minister Mohamed Nazim, said today we see that there is no justice for any citizen in the country.

Remarking that two former Presidents had called on the Government to abide by the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (UNWGA) decision on Nazim, Azim said that this was a stark reminder on the Government to abide by this. He said that Fisheries Minister Dr. Shainee had limited experience in such issues and criticized the Minister for his narrow viewpoint on the matter.

Azim noted that both PG and Police had the right to re-evaluate any case, contrary to the statements made by the Government.

In his interview Azim had strongly criticized the Government and Courts for having failed to act on the issue. He noted that the Government had not held any meetings with the family regarding Nazim’s case.

Speaking in state media, Dr. Shainee had said that the UNWGAD decision was a recommendation, not an order and therefore the Government was under no obligation to follow that. He also questioned the intention of the Group to issue such a recommendation.

Nazim’s family, along with Amnesty International filed the case in UNWGAD in February last year. The Group’s decision clearly states that Nazim’s arrest, detention and trial were made on false grounds and called for his immediate release. The Group also ordered the Government to pay reparations to Nazim for the duration of stay in jail. The Group had rejected the Government’s claim that the case filed was made on a skewed basis.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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