K. Male'
03 Aug 2018 | Fri 16:26
Opposition coalition candidate Solih answers questions at \"Get to Know\" event
Opposition coalition candidate Solih answers questions at "Get to Know" event
Presidential Candidate Solih
Candidate Solih answers questions from the youth at special event
At the event, Solih revealed his personal history and detailed his educational life and how he first went into politics
At the event, Solih answered questions from the audience and from Twitter on what his administration would do after being elected
Young people in various fields were given the opportunity to question Solih at the opposition coalition’s event “Get to Know”

Ibrahim Mohamed Solih, the candidate of the opposition coalition, met with the youth and answered their questions on Thursday night.

Young people in various fields were given the opportunity to question Solih at the opposition coalition’s event “Get to Know”.

At the event, Solih answered questions from the audience and from Twitter on what his administration would do after being elected.

Solih said that his administration would provide more scholarships to young people and give job opportunities in government to new mothers.

He addressed the issues faced by fishermen and vowed to give fair pay for their catch and also explained what his administration would do with the current government’s projects.

At the event, Solih revealed his personal history and detailed his educational life and how he first went into politics.

Last updated at: 6 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees