K. Male'
22 Jul 2018 | Sun 23:03
Dr. Mohamed Shaheem, President Abdulla Yameen’s running mate, in Huvadhoo
Dr. Mohamed Shaheem, President Abdulla Yameen’s running mate, in Huvadhoo
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Running Mate Dr Shaheem
Ruling party running mate goes door-to-door in Huvadhoo
Dr. Shaheem first visited Villingili and visited the houses on Thursday and Friday
RaajjeMV understands that Dr. Shaheem will visit Maamendhoo, his native island, last
The ruling party has not disclosed for how long he will be in Huvadhoo

Dr. Mohamed Shaheem, President Abdulla Yameen’s running mate, has gone door-to-door in four islands in Huvadhoo atoll.

Dr. Shaheem's first visited the houses in Villingili on Thursday and Friday.

On Saturday, he went to Kolamaafushi and on Sunday visited Dhevvadhoo.

Dr. Shaheem returns to Villingili after going door-to-door in each island. While he is a native of Maamendhoo, which is nearest to Villingili, he has not yet visited the island.


RaajjeMV understands that Dr. Shaheem will visit Maamendhoo last.

The ruling party has not disclosed for how long he will be in Huvadhoo.

Huvadhoo, the largest atoll in Maldives, is split into two administrative atolls: Gaafu Alif and Gaafu Dhaalu. There are 18 islands in the atoll, nine in each sub atoll. The total population is 38,811, which is 14,436 in Gaafu Alif and 24,375 in Gaafu Dhaalu.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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