K. Male'
27 Jun 2018 | Wed 11:34
A foreign worker carrying goods at the local market
A foreign worker carrying goods at the local market
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Male' City
Authorities allow small pickups to carry goods in Male’ during daytime
Transport Authority on Tuesday stated that it made the changes due to difficulties faced by businesses
Carriers are now allowed to carry 350kg of cargo during the daytime
The Authority said that the change was temporary

Authorities have changed the regulations on transporting goods, allowing small pickup trucks to transport items in the daytime.

Transport Authority on Tuesday stated that it made the changes due to difficulties faced by businesses.

Carriers are now allowed to carry 350kg of cargo during the daytime, which can be carried by small pickup trucks.

The Authority said that the change was temporary.

In April, authorities limited cargo transportation in capital city Male’ to between 6pm to 6am. This caused difficulties for businesses and delays in transferring goods from Customs.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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