K. Male'
27 Jun 2018 | Wed 11:08
Brigadier General Zakariyya Mansoor
Brigadier General Zakariyya Mansoor
General Mansoor heads to UN counter-terrorism conference
The conference is being hosted by the UN Secretary General on the request of 152 member states
The conference is being held on June 28 and 29
In the conference, members will discuss ways to improve the various methods of counter-terrorism and counter-violence extremism in their respective states

Brigadier General Zakariyya Mansoor has left for a high-level conference of heads of counter-terrorism agencies hosted by the United Nations.

Mansoor is the Director General of the National Counter-Terrorism Center.

Captain Ibrahim Azim, the military’s media coordinator, told RaajjeMV that the conference is being hosted by the UN Secretary General on the request of 152 member states at the UN general assembly in September 2017.

Captain Azim said that the conference, being held on June 28 and 29, is the first such conference being held to strengthen ties between the counter-terrorism agencies of member states.

In the conference, members will discuss ways to improve the various methods of counter-terrorism and counter-violence extremism in their respective states.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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