K. Male'
19 Jun 2018 | Tue 16:51
Former President Mohamed Nasheed (l) and Jumhoree Party leader Qasim Ibrahim
Former President Mohamed Nasheed (l) and Jumhoree Party leader Qasim Ibrahim
Opposition Intimidation
Police issue summons to self-exiled opposition leaders Nasheed, Qasim
Police issued the summons via Twitter on Tuesday
Police said it was regarding the investigation into two convicts that had fled their prison convictions
Former President Nasheed and Jumhoree Party leader Qasim are in self-exile after fleeing their prison convictions

The police service has issued a summons via Twitter to self-exiled opposition leaders Mohamed Nasheed and Qasim Ibrahim.

Police issued the summons via Twitter on Tuesday.

Police said that they are to be summoned to headquarters to obtain statements “on the investigation into two convicts that had refused to come back to the Maldives after they went abroad for medical treatment.”

Former President Nasheed and Jumhoree Party leader Qasim are in self-exile after fleeing their prison convictions and Nasheed has received asylum in the UK.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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