K. Male'
17 Jun 2018 | Sun 20:55
Tree Top Hospital
Tree Top Hospital
Social Media
Motorcycle Accident
Family of accident victim worried over MVR 350,000 bill from Tree Top Hospital
Mohamed Nizam was injured after crashing his motorcycle in the newly reclaimed area in Hulhumale Phase II on the night of June 1
He received multiple fractures to his face and skull as well as injuries to his eye after hitting a metal road block at a high speed
The family said that they have MVR 111,000 remaining on their bill

The family of a young accident victim in Hulhumale’ has expressed worry over a MVR 350,000 bill from Tree Top Hospital.

Mohamed Nizam was injured after crashing his motorcycle in the newly reclaimed area in Hulhumale Phase II on the night of June 1.

He received multiple fractures to his face and skull as well as injuries to his eye after hitting a metal road block at a high speed.

He received the MVR 350,000 bill after a one-week stay at Tree Top Hospital. The family told RaajjeMV that they have received MVR 18,000 from the government health insurance Aasandha but none from the National Social Protection Agency.

The family said that since they were insured and due to the help of their friends, they have been able to pay two thirds of the bill. Tree Top has also given Nizam a 30% discount to his bill.

The family said that they have MVR 111,000 remaining on their bill and that MVR 1,800 is being added for everyday he stays at the hospital.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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